Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Any ideas?

Can you imagine a world without strangers? Could you function without doubt? Would you know what to do without a computer? How long would you last without a phone? What would you do with one litre of water? What would you do with one set of clothes? What would you do with one meal a day? What would you do for one hour without electricity?

These are all the wrong questions, I think. Because it doesn't really matter what you would do. I have to ask myself first.

As I continue to read and prepare for Earth Hour on Saturday I have stumbled on many different and interesting questions. Each of which I am posing again and again to myself. What would I do? Could I do it? The more I think and wonder about these questions the more I am sure that thinking and wondering won't get me very far. I will have to try. So I took the stairs. I get 1 hour on the computer, to make three class handouts, a report about my classes, check the news and email and write this blog. Then its power down again. It's loose leaf tea in my reusable strainer.

But I keep coming back to this last question. What will I do for one hour without electricity? I think, go for a walk, or to play rugby in the dark. I could pick up garbage. Or just sit around in my apartment. Maybe I will invite a friend over, light a candle and talk, about something or other. I could read, because there is a lot of light pollution in my apartment. I'm just not sure...not yet. Any ideas, suggestions?

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