Wednesday, June 29, 2005


and by cartilage you mean not ligements, and by flipped up under my knee cap you mean... thats gross

so i managed to luck into an appointment with a surgeon today... thats 24 hours after my initial assesment. 24 hours...versus 6-8 months. sweet eh?

but then bruising mean ligements says Naiomi (the PT) gahh. but locking and resticted movement means cartilege which means an earler surgery date. huzzah.

well life is lifeing, im in toronto for medical work. danielle wants to go home this weekend, so i need to find a way to deal with the cat (my little cocoa poo) i may ask the boss to bring her to tornto for me. we will have to see though. what the doctor oders (imagine if he had an MRI spot open this weekend, and surgery spot open next tuesday. Heaven ness/pas?

thats all i got.night

Monday, June 20, 2005

new news bad news news

so popi built me a shed. its beautiful.

the silverfish are back. i hate them with all my heart. there is one right now peeking in through the window at me.

i got a job offer from one of my professors. sweet. i have to put together a profolio and get back to him.

my big brother was cut. weep. im so upset, even though i know he isn't. well not that he isn't, he's made it, now its just time to learn, mature, grow and all that. but i still wanted him to play this year. BC lions are on my booing list along with knee specialists, knee injuries, sore knees, swollen knees, and silverfish. (although unlike everyone else on my booing list, the bc lions may be forgiven one day.

Prhyme just contacted me, and they finished the video. thats right im in a music video (shot in 2003...finishing in 2005...thats african time for you ;)

im ready to jump, this knee bull is really getting me down. i hope im never in a major accident that prevents me from using my body how i want too, i don't think i will make it.

crazy women, downstairs, doesn't like me, which is nice, she like d though so luckily we get all the benifits of her craziness but i never have to talk to her.

finally my little brother gave me a huge goodbye today. that was nice.

oki going to play with Adobe...thats hot

Saturday, June 18, 2005

positive spin

hcokay, so i vas valking doon de streets, yuh; vhen i sees thees so sexy valking stick in the store vindow. and hi says to me self, zat eez so sexy. but as hi am not poorchasing thee sings zat i ham no needing zees sings like that have no uze to me, so hi ham having brilliant lightbulb. hi am busting my knee up so i can poorchase thees soo sexy valking cane. yah. that is, like hot.

so now i have uze for this soo sexy walking stick, and an hoppointment vith ze specialist zometime hoo i donno soon...i hope.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

the rugby gods must be crazy

Jack says post, so fine.
they hate me
they think that im trying to ruiin a beautiful thing
well oden, you keep yourself hidden in the yew tree, and zeus you better not show your face outside olympus, and good ness gracious, if any of the other gods show themselves within two feet or a rugby pitch ill give them what for with my cane., fuck yea!!!

so the spleen is happy
the wrist is happy
the lungs are happy
the team was happy
and i was soooooo happy

and then
that jerkly number 2 from Chatham had to challenge me to a race. GAAAh

and one open field tackle later my MCL is busted.


so now the spleen is happy
and the wrist is still happy
the lungs are laughing
and the team is crying
and i think im going to loose it!!
