Sunday, February 20, 2005

Fight of Flight

Emandleni Camp
home of ten thousand champs
of men of boys of soldiers
ready to fight for what Inkatha told you
train your mind, train
your position in this fight
for your homeland
Bantu stand for language rights
Fight the Afrikaaner way of life

Emandleni Camp
formed out of necessity
an army of youth, this thoughts absurd to me
to retell the sharp sting
your invaders bring
they have no historic stakes
they feel no pain for what lives the waste
they have diamonds in their eyes
and they know it is not wise
to share
the fruit this land bares

Boys at camp
it is not your fight
even now you have no rights
a decade since and
still your land is not yours
And still your freedom is not given
And still you are restricted by the colour of your skin

Emandleni Camp
excise the poison of your land
but you can
not do it by force
you must coheres
educate your young black mind
For black is beautiful
it is strong
it is infinite
and Emandleni camp will have no strength of arms
its strength
will be
in minds.

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