Tuesday, March 14, 2006

centennial post

wow, i feel like i should say something good... being up so early to make this post. but then that would require me thinking up something good at before 6 in the morning. maybe i should go back to sleep and think on it.

i think that marty is rubbing off on me a bit. i just don't sleep like i never used to. but even more so i wake fully reseted after 3-4 hours of rest and function all day long without out detriment.

i was up till almost 3 reading. oscar zeta acosta. interesting piece. the revolt of the cockroach people. im a little concerned that we a reading this piece so rice in the issues of racial and ethnic interaction, in a class of people whose main interracial interaction has been poutine, and meeting anglican protestants instead of genevan protestants... but we aren't discussing race in any facet...except when i bring it up. and then we discuss superficially and without much intent for understanding, mostly only for academic gesturing and posing. instead we are reading a piece around the possible assimilation of culture in america and the possiblity that assimilated cultures could engaging in ever failing revolts. regardless of their allegorical position near the cockroach.

anyway. it is still a pleasant read.

i have ideas about milton that i want to discuss but no one to discuss them with. im going to chat with pender about book nine. i think it would be fabulous.

okay time for breakfast, cocoa says.
see you later

ps: in the immortal words of Rafiki, crazy weather out there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

m, get a grip...