Saturday, July 29, 2006

Funny Story

Okay, so im still very worried, but i think that best way to deal with my worry is by chewing bubblegum. Wouldn't it be funny if whenever you were mad about something you did a google image search for the word "mad" with the filter on super high and then used one of the images that come up (which are usually things like pictures of peoples pets called mad, or flora and fauna from magagascar, or people walking on mountains or wearing funny hats) and then printed it off, and when people asked you what was the matter you would show them the picture. Then they would look at you with that look of half fear that you are insane and half confusion, which of course considering your frame of mind you will mistake for a look of empathy and you'll say "i know, look at it! but i suppose its not as bad as the chimpanze grudge i had last week!"

i wonder if that would work with terrorists?

i still don't know what a terrorist is.

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