Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Well Windsor, what have you?

So im back in the Windsy city. Of course it seems that everyone has left. Miss baker is being sorely missed. I'll have to go to rugby tonite to rremind myself what people are like. Oh rugby. im excited just typing about it. Oh joy. We play Niagara this weekend..can you say road trip! Huzzah. Cocoa wasn't too impressed with the weekend alone, i'll have to get her a cat condo or something, she needs to spend more time out doors i think. The mangos are ripening should be sweet eating tonite. i think im going to go shopping though, after work, i need a can opener and a cheese grater like its no bodies business/ So N's family rocks. What a bundle of fun. I spent the long weekend with em at the Dunes, which were very sandy, and involved more alcohol that i have drunk since my goodness! But the fires were good (though my cracked lips are not impressed anymore) and so was the karaoke...what! camping and karaoke...go figure. time to get back to my grandfather would say. The play is moving nicely, i just rewrote Onyx's monologue/poem, i think its much stronger. Im excited to finish it. It feels like its starting to drag a little. Anyway. Job work first. peace

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