Thursday, May 25, 2006


I just ahd a very lovely invisible visit with a sweet young lady i know. She hasn't realized yet that i was by, but she will, or wont. i didn't leave any footprints. sometimes i hate when people don't leave footprints. you can nver be really sure if anyone has been there. no one has been here. except the cat. and she just leaves hairballs...or sometimes a trail of litter from between her toes. but i feel like going for invisible walks. i wonder how much longer i'll last without tv. it seems like such an easy fix. unlike reading...which is easy too, but i don't really have a reading light so that is a past time for daylight ours only. although daylight hours do seem to last ever so long here. But still. i need to make a decision about what to do with this house, the roommate situation, the cat, the food, the spare room, the plants, the extra furniture, the mess, the mess, the mess. the confusion. the silence...hmm this is not helping the mood. lets see. what kind of fairy am i today? a fire fairy. hmm that sounds like i should go read the Star somemore. apparently if you want to work for a newspaper, you have to not only read the paper, but have a favourite section. sadly day after day my favourite section keeps coming up classified. thats not good. maybe there is something today to make me happy to be wanting to work for a paper.

oh speaking of dangerous things...mangos with little worms in them...not impressive

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