Saturday, March 10, 2007

Im not worried, but it is a bit strange

So apparently, I'm a bit of a stern person. It's true. I'm not very patient, particularly with perceived laziness. But, I am very forgiving, well presumably. 
Funny story from seminar though, because usually such confessionals only happen at the bar after class. So, we are in the middle of a class discussion about the "difficulty" level of the readings. Which, I admit, had I not been working in literacy research for the past 3 years I may have found difficult as well. Various classmates were chiming in, and the facilitator asked if i had any input. No, i thought. And one of my most respected classmates, chimed in, "she's probably too busy holding us lesser mortals in disdain, for our simplicity." 
 Is it just me or is that a bit harsh? 
I had no emotional inclination towards any of them. I was just listening to and observing their behavior. Without judging. Or perhaps I was judging it as irrelevant or unimportant. I don't really hold people in disdain, nor do i spend very much if any of my time disdaining anything (except, as i have noted, laziness in myself and those around me). Anyway, i suppose i should put some effort into appearing more lighthearted and sociable (i thought that's what rugby was for)

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