Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It is always the wrong choice.

My friend messaged me with a dilemma. She is one of four sisters. Third from the top. Her sisters get along like sisters, fighting as often as they play together. And she is scared to get stuck in the middle (or third from the top of) a brewing feud betwen her two older sisters).

The story: Her second sister just broke up with her long term partner. And not two days later her eldest sister has set up a date with the ex.

Ladies...this is always the wrong decision. There is only one exception, which I will get to. But please, for the sake of everyone everywhere, accept that this is always the wrong choice. In this situation, sisterly fialty wins...

Your sister needs your support. And also she needs space and time to heal after the fracture of a long friendship. Everyone needs that. It isn't fair to force your hurting sister to be happy for you and your new beau. And for those other siblings who get trapped in the my friend, tell your sibling that they are being blinded by temporal desires and potentially creating a lifelong schism in a family to satisfy a temporary curiosity...Of course this is the place of exception.

If it turns out that your sister was dating the one true love of your life, and you marry her/him and spend the rest of your days in loving blissful paradise, make beautiful babies and bring joy and happiness through your union to those around you and the rest of the world. This is absolutely possible, and in the event that this is the case, then you have made an acceptable decision and in time the goodness of your love will heal the wounds of betraying your sisterly obligations...this is the only exception. (Oh this and if you are from an inbreeding family where the ex is also a brother or first cousin yada yada yada...)

But to the second sister, there is little to say...her relationship is ended. If the partner goes on to do whatever its not really her concern...the relationship is ended. Express your feelings, your hurt and frustration, followed by a long silence until the sister in the wrong either apologies or marries the ex and makes beautiful babies and heals all the world with her love...

Right. Enough gossip column for one day...

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