Saturday, August 27, 2005

today is friday

is anyone ready to FREAK OUT, talk about free floating unidentified anxiety. my goodness, i go to sleep worrying, i wake up worrying, i go to work for bike rides and runs and all i do is just worry about stuff.

le sigh

okay, so i ran lots yesterday, and only my mcl regoin hurts today...i dunno i suppose thats pretty good. there's no deep pain or swelling. maybe ill just not have surgery...although waiting 13 months for surgery is kind of like not having srgery anyway. so maybe ill go for the provincial squad this spring, why not? i could get really hurt then and get emergency surgery. oh frabjuous day.

im back in my program. what luck, hey, Marty is teaching though so i guess i was a little bit a shoe in. but then we think the same nd write a lot alike so thats voondervel. oh i have to go do an interview. i hope it goes well.


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