Wednesday, December 28, 2005

grinche me this

so im being the antisocial christmas grinche i always seem to become in this city. i think i'll get some sushi while im out. just to be grose! so i had a loverly chat with a fine woman last evening. i love when you find out your misconceptions its one of the best things for causing nightmares. well they are. but it's still nice to breakdown misconceptions.

i did have crazy nightmares last night that i will have to think about. it's not nice. but thats probably why they have such a not nice name as nightmares. although is anything about that word particularily not nice. night....mare mares are nice so long as they aren't pregnant and wild and it isn't a thunderstorm out. and night is just part of the diurnal cycle. cycles are nice, they are all shifty and fluid. which is pleasant. anyway, im going to go think about life.


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